What is Cosmetic Dentistry?
Cosmetic dentistry is any procedure done to enhance and correct imperfections in the appearance of a smile. If you are unhappy with your smile, we can fix it. When you smile your upper teeth usually show, while the lower teeth are hidden. When you are talking, the opposite happens; your lower teeth tend to show while your upper teeth are covered. Characteristics of the overall appearance of your smile include: color, spacing, regularity of the teeth and alignment. At Lad Family Dentistry in Temple City, we offer a wide variety of cosmetic dentistry options for your perfect smile. Call us with any questions you may have. (626) 287-4094

Eye Catching Smile Through Cosmetic Dentistry
What catches most people’s eye when you first meet? Yes, it is your smile. With the cosmetic dentistry options available to you at Lad Family Dentistry, you no longer have to put up with chipped, misshapen or stained teeth. Come in and talk with Dr. Sunjay Lad and Dr. Chiman Lad about the options available, most suitable and affordable for you. We offer: veneers, professional teeth whitening, bonding, recontouring, and sculpting of teeth, just to name a few. Call us to learn about your options on top quality esthetic dentistry in Temple City today. You deserve beautiful teeth. (626) 287-4094

Benefits of a Perfect Smile… Cosmetic Dentistry Will Improve Your Life
Having a beautiful healthy smile has many more benefits than simply enhancing the way you look. First, cosmetic dentistry can increase your self-confidence; 75% of adults believe that an unpleasant smile can negatively impact your success in life. Second, knowing you look your best will help you experience more joy. Third, no longer worrying about hiding your smile will keep you more relaxed. Fourth, a misaligned jaw can result in troublesome symptoms including headaches, joint pain, ear problems and neck strain. Fifth, it positively impacts the health of your entire body. Click here to learn your options for the perfect smile with cosmetic dentistry in Temple City.

Amalgam vs Composite Fillings… The Cosmetic Dentistry Approach
According to the ADA, amalgam fillings are stable when the small amount of mercury bonds with other metals in the fillings, thus rendering it stable and safe for filling teeth. Why then, are tooth colored fillings or porcelain replacing amalgam? Esthetics: amalgam fillings stand out against naturally white teeth. Composite or porcelain fillings are bonded with adhesive to your tooth structure, protecting against decay and strengthening the tooth. Therefore, bacteria and food particles cannot enter the tooth, whereas, amalgams will wear down and crack, letting in bacteria and food particles. For the best esthetic dentist in Temple City, call Dr. Chiman Lad and Dr. Sunjay Lad at (626) 287-4094.

You Deserve the Best Cosmetic Dentistry Available
In Temple City, many cosmetic dentistry patients are delighted to learn that the smile enhancement they desire may not be as time consuming or expensive as they imagined. You will find these satisfied patients at Lad Family Dentistry. We are happy to schedule appointments at a time convenient for you. We have many affordable payment plans available to fit your budget. Whether it is bleaching your stained tooth enamel, changing out your old and cracked dental fillings or replacing missing teeth with a gum graft and a bridge, we are definitely the best! For all cosmetic dentistry needs in Temple City, please call (626) 287-4094.